Intelligence is simply talking to many people

Kali Install (#2) in 2024

The old one is . There are troubleshooting things (internet doesn't work when first install Kali) and things I haven't used recently there. Also there is the list of things done manually it'd be nice to write a script to do (timezone, power options, shortcut launchers). It also has programs that could be useful which I either abandoned or didn't try yet. Also, remember Kali doesn't work with Anydesk because you can't install it it seems, although you can in a VM non-Kali).

Before you start, you will need:

  • Accounts info, to log into Bitwig, to log into any SMs in VMs
  • Don't delete old hard drive until test that Printers work, VMs work (including Guest Additions shared folder),
  • Don't delete the old hard drive SSD until you've tried out banking, social media)
  • Think about VMs, since this is the hardest thing to install. Will you need to do shared folders? Will you need Win7?

Install programs:

sudo apt-get install hydrogen gimp gnome-disk-utility shotwell vokoscreen libreoffice inkscape secure-delete imagemagick fonts-indic fonts-thai-tlwg xinput cherrytree gdebi gdebi-core clamav clamtk gnome-system-monitor system-config-printer cups font-manager && sudo systemctl enable cups

(Do you need gdebi-gtk for graphical?) (The other H2 Hydrogen but for synth/midi is called SEQ24.)


sudo apt install apt-transport-https curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser

Optional installs,first we have daws etc, second photo arranging/editing programs

sudo apt-get install lmms openvpn monodevelop ardour

(Lmms the audio is scratchy)

sudo apt-get install gwenview fotoxx shotwell

(Gwenview is best for going through masses of photos and cropping them.)

For Pinta do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pinta-maintainers/pinta-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pinta

For OBS do (but note it auto-installs VLC)


apt-get purge vlc
apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get purge vlc-data
sudo apt-get remove browser-plugin-vlc

Bitwig install from deb

And remember, it can sometimes be hard to install because of i386 dependencies (sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update). And also remember, you need a later version of Bitwig to open any Bitwig file. And remember, go to Settings > Behavior and turn off Data Collection. Go to User Interface and Reverse zoom direction.

You may need to install pipewire (if you want to use just the regular mic jack with a 'headset' splitter especially, because you can probably use pulseaudio or alsa if you plug in an external audio device). The first two are not necessary if you don't get an 'add-apt-repository command not found' error.

(You might have to do this first, or after the following doesn't work:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update

apt list --upgradable

sudo apt-get update      

sudo apt install zlib1g:i386

sudo apt --fix-broken install


sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-get update

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries
systemctl --user daemon-reload

Free VSTs, search with a Linux filter


Download the deb from and gdebi install it.

Don't install because you can get appImages

  • KdenLive (some versions work on some OSs/versions, can't say more specific)
  • Blender
  • Arduino IDE
  • Tenacity (Audacity fork but FOSS)

Do things:

  • Time zone: cuba, or Latin American countries are listed like 'Americas/CountryName'
  • Power Manager (otherwise it will dim after 120seconds): Keep screen from locking:
  • Top-left menu > Settings > Power Manager > (fourth tab) Security > Automatically lock: Never, and uncheck []Lock screen when system is going to sleep
  • in Power Settings, you have to click the top buttons for ‘plugged in’ and ‘on battery’ and do both
  • Menu > Keyboard > Layout, unlock the Default settings and +add Spanish, and set a ‘Change layout option.' I selected Ctrl-shift to change language input
  • Disable login screen. Didn't find a way.

Secondary things to do:

  • For FONTS, just put a folder with them in home/username/.local/share/fonts
  • Kali has a bunch in user/share/fonts. You can delete some (I'm not sure which ones you can delete without losing render ability. But I deleted the Noto folder (so many fonts), roboto, and some others. I had to change the fonts in CherryTree after (File > Freferences > Fonts) urw-base35 is the one used by LibreOffice (and maybe CherryTree also). Spanish fonts: Antic, Aquiline.
  • Hindi fonts won't display unless you sudo apt-get install fonts-indic
  • Garamond font for book printing
  • .fonts in home directory acts like a place to find fonts
  • /usr/share/fonts is where pre-installed system fonts are (maybe don't delete these)
  • Or find your font location by opening Font Manager and R-click > Open location
  • Make shortcuts on Desktop to Webpages: Make webpage a Favorite in browser, then drag it onto the Desktop.
  • Change wallpaper: Settings > Settings Manager > Desktop
  • Zoom into screen with Start + scroll wheel
  • Fotowall ffrom website and make the 64-bit file executable and just launch it from the file
  • gnome-system-monitor shows internet traffic. Unlike Task Manager
  • sudo apt-get install fonts-thai-tlwg to install Thai fonts ไทย
  • test if a printer works. Plug it in. Then open Print Settings and +Add a printer and go to Network and it's usually in there and will print a testpage, but further troubleshooting is in the old Kali install page on this site.

How to use clamAV you can schedule







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