Blog: Example

Kali install 3, 2024

Used the same code from 2023.

sudo apt-get install hydrogen shotwell gnome-disk-utility shotwell vokoscreen libreoffice inkscape secure-delete imagemagick fonts-indic fonts-thai-tlwg xinput cherrytree gdebi gdebi-core clamav clamtk gnome-system-monitor system-config-printer cups font-manager && sudo systemctl enable cups 

NOTE, you couldn't just install GIMP in 2024.

OBS, remember, installs VLC, so if you install it do:


apt-get purge vlc
apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get purge vlc-data
sudo apt-get remove browser-plugin-vlc

Brave browser

sudo apt install apt-transport-https curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser

Bitwig from the website (use .deb), but Gdebi has same dependency issue as always, so:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt update

apt list --upgradable

sudo apt-get update      

sudo apt install zlib1g:i386

sudo apt --fix-broken install


sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-get update

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries
systemctl --user daemon-reload

VirtualBox (if QEMU still sucks)

Check your OS with lsb_release -a and then download the .deb from their website. It will probably install in gdebi, but when you open a VM it will probably error Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

So do:

Run /sbin/vboxconfig like this:

sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

But if you get a kernel headers error (kernel modules), do:

sudo apt update


sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

then try again with:

sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

(Worked for me on then.)

In new Vbox VMs, I install Brave

Do things:

  • Time zone: cuba, or Latin American countries are listed like 'Americas/CountryName'
  • Power Manager (otherwise it will dim after 120seconds): Keep screen from locking:
  • Top-left menu > Settings > Power Manager > (fourth tab) Security > Automatically lock: Never, and uncheck []Lock screen when system is going to sleep
  • in Power Settings, you have to click the top buttons for ‘plugged in’ and ‘on battery’ and do both
  • Menu > Keyboard > Layout, unlock the Default settings and +add Spanish, and set a ‘Change layout option.' I selected Ctrl-shift to change language input
  • Disable login screen. Didn't find a way.

Blender, notes from lessons back in 2020

There is a 2.8 AppImage somewhere. 3.2 is availalble from the site as tar.xz (3.2 has the curve pen tool). This you unzip and you can just run it by clicking the Blender icon file. (You can but don't need to make an AppImage if you learn how with _



  • for svg files
  • I think svg is like a bunch of code, so doesn't work like an image
  • Use a png. Open in Inkscape. Path > Trace Bitmap. Save as ... (svg). Should work.
  • In Blender, File > Import > svg

WATCHED - Playlist

LANGUAGE * * organic modelling versus (solid, rigid) precision modelling * co-planar edges or faces, or overlapping ones * parametric, follows where you left it on a line (after the line has been moved). Boolean modifier (moving it around) comes close to parametric modelling. * Quad geometry versus defined geometry

LIGHTING * * World Properties. Surface > Strength to 0 (no world light)


  • zipfiles
  • Shortcuts
  • Z is ‘slttop view’
  • Don't change the name of the Blender folder, because it will break Add-ons availability.
  • Q to show Quick Favorites. Tools can be added to this by R-clicking them.
  • R-click Face Orientation to add it
  • Edit Mode > Edge > Subdivide and R-click it and give it a shortcut (t)
  • When you do any tool, look at bottom for all the shortcuts you can do secondarily
  • Any changes need to be saved with File > Defaults > Save Default File
  • Max Undo Steps in Preferences > System ? Memory & Limits > Undo Steps. I use 64
  • It doesn't have ‘single verticles’ (didn't work?) by default. Edit > Preferences > Add-Ons > (search for Extra Objects, and) Add Mesh: Extra Objects
  • PDT tools is an add-on in Preferences
  • Extra Mesh is another one (for doing single verts)
  • Mesh: Edit Mesh Tools is another Add-on.
  • Tiny CAD is another add on.
  • F2 is another. Let's you weirdly pull enclosed vertices out of corners. 17:00
  • Outline To SVG (for Inkscape etc) is another, but external, and I didn't use it.
  • Bool Tool is another.
  • Change colors of things. Edit > Pref > Themes > 3D View ( > Wire Edit for the lines)
  • Make lines thicker. Edit > Pref > Interface > Line Width: Thick
  • Turn on Snapping. Snapping button from menu > check Absolute Grid Snapping. (Now it will snap only when you are holding down CTRL)
  • There's a Preference also for num pad (so you can hit the numbers on a laptop, don't need a num pad)
  • In Preferences, Navigation > uncheck ‘Auto Perspective’ so it won't go to Perspective View every time you rotate
  • Preferences > Themes .You can change font size for the display ??where
  • In Preferences > Keymap, change Spacebar to Search
  • In Preferences > Input, you can select Emulate Numpad (option of 123 for vertices edges, or 1 7 for angle views). Emulate is better because it allows other things, like Ctrl'+ (Select More)
  • To see Statistics (how many verts, edges etc). Go to Show Overlays button (overlapping circles) and click the dropdown and check Statistics
  • You can R-click the version number in the bottom-right and do Scene Statistics
  • Measurements. Overlays icon > check Edge Length. Will appear when you select things. It will not display sizes more precise than 0.1 (not 0.15). So don't rely on Edge Length overlay
  • milimeters. Scene Properties > Units, select mm, then set unit scale to 0.001 (?of just .01?)
  • CAD Transforms is a free plugin. Put the zip (don't unzip) in the folder (or anywhere). Go to Preferences > Add Ons and Install it/them (there are 5 files on his website). Then you can give it a shortcut (Alt-C. Do this in both Edit Mode and Object Mode). In Add Ons > ‘3D View: CAD Transform’ (the newly installed plugin), scroll down and Font Size 70, Circle Widgets 25, and the next 3 items set to ‘5’. Save preferences (bottom-left of its dialogue)
  • Make s shortcut for Export : STL by R-clicking it and select ‘L’

ISSUES (some solved)

  • If you lose highlighting things, make sure ‘outline selected’ in View Properties
  • Measurements don't seem to Snap to closest, but that is half way on
  • Can't create Single Vertex. Create plane and M > Collapse at Center.
  • Menus. Shift-S, Shift-A, Q
  • Rotate not rotating to center of object. Shift-C


  • Background image. Shft-A > Image. Remember to make your image brightness-low beforehand.
  • Fillets (pdt > tools, select radius (2.5) and segments (4 so it will add 4 ie total 5 including vertice already selected. It likes even numbers. If you select ‘5’ it will split the original vertice into 2.) and click ‘fillet’
  • Selecting other parts. Once parts are selected and you (f) them, alt-click on another vertice to select that loop and then shift-alt-click to select even more other parts
  • The above can be used to create a face with a hole in it. You make the circle that will be the hole, then draw lines from the sides of the hole to the sides of the surrounding shape, then you select half and (f) it and then the other half and (f) it.
  • Select Inverse. Ctrl-i
  • expand selection. Ctrol + ... and ctrl -
  • Pathway select. Ctrl and click the end object
  • Circle Select (to grab a bunch of objects). C ... and wheel down or up to expand it. Esc / R-click to cancel.
  • Center the scene. Shift-C
  • Select all linked with Ctrl-L
  • To make things in specific distances from others, use the 3d cursor.
  • Move 3d cursor to vertice. select vertice and use PDT and click ‘delta’. (note you can use ‘current position’ (the 3d cursor) or ‘selected entities’ (the selected vertice)
  • Move 3dCursor to ‘arc center’ after selecting 3 points
  • Cursor to World Origin (after Shift-S)
  • Duplicate. Shift-DS ... click X to be confined to the X plane, or middle click and drag around to pick a plane. ... Shift-X will confine you to the YZ planes. ... type a number -5 to make it -5 mm from wherever.
  • Lesson 7
  • Name an object with Fn-F2

  • P to separate objects (which are classed as a single object in the Scene Collection

  • P can also separate to ‘Loose Parts’ (separate everything)
  • Move selected thing to 3dCursor. Shift-S then Selection to Cursor
  • Add one ojbect to another (eg a doorknob to a door).
  • Join objects. Ctrl-J (keeps most recently selected)
  • Scale and Movement
  • If you change object Scale (on the right menu Item), it resizes, but your scale is now whatever, and you want it to be 1 1 1. So Ctrl-A (to show Apply Menu) and do Scale. Same size, but Scale on the right-menu is 1 1 1 (dimensions are still whatever).
  • Move an object on it's own orientation (x axis but where it's pointed, not global). Transformation Orientation dropdown in top-center and select Local. Another way is in global still, hit Y twice.
  • Pivot points (top-center dropdown) can be set to center of both objects (and one can be deselected and used only as a pivot point), or to 3dCursor, or to individual origins.
  • PROPORTIONAL EDITING is the move function. Works with Tweak (select) too.
  • Move stuff at the same time, drag to a moved thing, move in a wave. Proportional Editing (turn on) at top-center. It also relies on the Freeform Pivot Point
  • Bounding boxes. Covered at like 4:00
  • NOTE that all movement done in edit mode does not affect object mode (so the Origin Point will be in the same spot as before you moved stuff). The OBJECT has it's own orientation, too, so Individual Origins will respect that.
  • PDT
  • Snapping objects. Highlight entire object with Ctrl-L (after selecting a vertex on it). Hit G to move, and then hold down Ctrl will snap it to other vertices (Center tools: Transform Pivot Point to Active Element and Snapping to Vertex + Snap with Active.
  • Random. Select all the objects, and to to (Object Mode) Object > Transform > Randomize Transform
  • Lesson 10
  • CAD Transforms. Is an add-on, free but separate. It's particularly useful for Movements. Precision movements, placing things exact distances from others or touching others at their points or median points. Also half-way or 3/4 way BETWEEN objects
  • Alt-N > flip, to flip normals
  • In Object Mode, press G ('move') and grab a vertex and you can move an object from that point (enter X axis and a number). Meanwhile, while moving object, you can (middle button on mouse) move around view. OK so you select things twice: You have your object selected. G, it does whatever the command is (snaps to vertex as active element) and then you press a second time (if you want to change snapping target) to like Shift-F (face centers) and drag it to the second Object. N for normals. X and a number for that distance. (Space clears all snapping.)
  • Centering between two Objects. Pick active vertex, G, (Space, V,) hover over one side of the range you wanna center and hit A, cursor to other end. ( at 10:00). AA for 1/3.
  • Tool > Affect Only Origins. G to move it, Ctrl to control snapping to vertices.
  • F. fuse vertices. (same command as Fill/Face)
  • Alt-Z turns on X-ray, which is useful when you have 2 vertices overlapping (count as just 1 without X-ray). 8:00.
  • Highlight 2 overlapping vertices and M (merge vertices)
  • There is an Auto-Merge button at top-right
  • Highlight 2 non-perpendicular lines, and R-click > Tiny CAD (add on) > VTX Auto to create a vertex where the two lines WOULD meet.
  • Intersect two crossing lines also with Tiny CAD.
  • Draw a circles (where it would be between 3 vertices) also with Tiny CAD
  • find center of vertices. Select them and Shift-S > Cursor to Selected
  • X > Dissolve Vertices to leave edges intact
  • Draw by extruding, hold down Ctrl and r-click
  • Chamfer / Bevel a non-faced Object. Select Vertex, Ctrl-B, hover over vertex and ‘V’ and drag it. Mouse-wheel to add segments. Bevels can also be ‘concave'.
  • Offset edge (make a bigger or smaller version of the shape). Edge from top-left menu > Offset
  • Alt-F makes lots of faces (eg for a hole inside a square) (be in Edge Select). But then select it all and X > Limited Dissolve. You can set Max Angle lower like 0.1. Circle inside square.
  • (Alt-doubleclick selects other part) (or something)
  • Auto create vertices where extruded vertiices cross lines. Auto Merge Vertices > Tools menu (at right) > Split Edges and Faces
  • Edge Loop Select. Holding down Alt + L-click on an edge
  • K is knife cut
  • Normals. Show normals with Overlays drop down and check Face Orientation
  • 2 types of Normals. One is little lines in Viewport Overlays and set them how you want. Two is Viewport Overlays and Face Orientation.
  • Measurements are in the Overlays dropdown
  • Measurements aren't parametric. Another way to temporarily measure a thing is to do CADtools, then G, snapping to edges, select an edge and hover over another one
  • Another way is the add-on MeasureIt. at like 15:30
  • You can measure angles too but I didn't
  • Outline To SVG is an addon for Inkscape (not in default list)
  • Subdivide. Select edge and R-click
  • Grid Fill. In the Fill Menu (Ctrl-F). Can connect (most of, after one is already filled) quads between two circles at 7:00
  • Another way is to fill one quad (between the circles), and then select a leading edge and F.


  • A boolean is an effect on mesh. It's not applied to mesh. Note: this will not work if the faces are backwards, or if the cutting object is not closed geometry.
  • Simple Boolean. In Edit Mode, Select an object and then Shft-D or whatever to get a second object. Leave that selected (it will become the removed space). In the top-left menu Face > Intersect Boolean
  • You can do Unions and Intersections with the same tool (after apply Intersect Boolean it shows another menu)
  • Bool Tool (add on) version. 2 objects (in Objects Mode). Select the one you want to remove, Shft-click the one you want to sculpt out. Ctrl numpad-minus (works with ‘keyboard’ option, which I usually use, so regular hyphen button.
  • Bool Tool (add on) version, but using it's menu (on the right-hand side in Edit). You can do Brush Boolean which does it, or auto versions, which do it AND delete the object.
  • Boolean Modifier version. Object Mode, duplicate the object (so you have 2). Select the one you want to sculpt out and apply the modifyer to it. When you (eyedropper tool) select the object you want to use to cut out a space), you can already turn off visibility for that second object, or you can see it's wireframe by selecting it, going to Object Properties (right-bottom-side menu) > Viewport Display > Diplay “Bounds”. (you can see it in Edit Mode if you want by selecting the Realtime button in the modifier.
  • Ordering these things. Like if you want to do a Union between a sphere and a cube (which already has a boolean modifyer), you have to drag drop the union above the boolean (2 modifyers) 11:00.
  • Flip Normals. Shift-N while selected or Edit Mode > Mesh > Normals > Flip
  • Select 2 faces, Alt-E > Extrude Along Normals, then press S to keep them in shape
  • Insets. Of 2 faces at once. Open it's dialogue in bottom right to check ‘individual’
  • Knife tool. Z makes it cut right through.
  • Bisect uses World Space, so no snapping.
  • Offset (creates wireframe with points but no faces by default. Select face (or whatever). Top-right menu > Edge > Offset Edges > Offset.
  • Exercise: How to undo bevels. 12:00.
  • Select entire edge loop. Select one edge then Shft-click another
  • Extrude Manifold can cause issues for Loop Cut
  • Bridge Edge Loops (Ctrl-E) connects the faces when you make a hole through something
  • Materials - Textures. Note the ‘Apply’ button (used for various parts of a mesh in Edit Mode).
  • Materials (from image file). Shading view from top middle menu. Drag an image into the funky window, and connect it's ‘color’ node to the ‘base color’ of the Principled BSDF.
  • Background color shade (just color not image). Preferences > Themes > Theme Space > Gradient Colors
  • Background also in the right-side panel. World Properties
  • Bezier Curves
  • Add them as Add Ons: Add Curve: Curve Tools and Add Curve: Extra Objects
  • You probably want to make Themes > 3D Viewport > Wire white or some color.
  • Object Mode > Add > Curve > Bezier (it might be quite big)
  • use V key to select Aligned or Vector or whatever
  • Might want to go to Overlays > check Handles and Handles (All)
  • Shft-S is the menu to move the 3Dcursor or Active Element. (.) is the one to move the Pivot Point.
  • Vertex Groups (Object Data Properties from bottom-right menu elements and create a new Vertex Group with the vertices you want selected. Then to apply bevel to this Vertex Group add the modifier, then Limit by Vertex Group and select the group
  • Mirror modifier. Affects Origin. (to see this, go in Object Mode, G, in Tools on the right-side menu check Options : Transform > Origins. Check ‘clipping' to not be able to overlap the two sides, but Note: the point has to be pulled away from the absolute center of the mirror first.
  • Set Rotation to 0 again. Ctrl-A then ‘rotation’
  • Solidify. (Might be able to use this to make a smaller version of the mesh inside it.
  • or Normal Scaling. Alt-S.
  • SVGs (this didn't really work for me as far as the Boolean part)
  • SVGs. Import, and there might be several overlapping, and you can select all of them (in the Scene Collection at top-right) and Ctrl-J to merge them all down, and then perhaps go to Object Data Properties at bottom-right and change Fill Mode to ‘none.’ Then R-click > Origin to Geometry. Then you can select its scale in Transform on righthand-side tabs. (1250 to all 3 fields), zoom out, Ctrl-A and apply Scale. Now you can Edit Mode, Object Properties > Resolution Review to like 50, then Object Mode and Object > Convert > Mesh. In Edit Mode > select all and X > Limited Dissolve and set Max Angle to 0.1 (for max resolution).
  • To separate a part, in Edit Mode select it and ‘p’ > selection.
  • Spiral / Revolve. Before applying, do you want to check ‘merge’ so you don't have 100 points at the center?
  • convert to bezier. Select what you want and R-click > Set Spline Type > Bezier
  • Change handles the same way
  • Parent two objects. Select Child, Shft-click the Parent, Ctrl-P > Object (now they move together). Alt-P to clear the Parent.
  • O snaps to Origin Point
  • Shft-Alt-click a face to highlight the entire band of them
  • COLOR is assigned. Highlight parts or all parts and click assign.
  • Smooth by selecting Faces and Edit Mode > Face > Shade Smoothing
  • Move 3dCursor with View or right-hand side tabs > 3dCursor
  • Move Origin Point in N menu > Options > Transform > Affect Only Origins and then you can G move it
  • Make a grid of cubes. 2 Arrays
  • Make a waffle. Cube and Plane. Subdivide plane (8 gets you a grid of 10 later). Object Mode. Click cube, Shft-click plane, Ctrl-P > Object (to make cube a Child of the plane. Select Plane and Right-bottom menu > Object Properties > Instancing and pick Faces or Vertices. To turn into a mesh, Object Mode > Ctrl-A > Make Instances Real. However, if you move this, your vertices and edges don't move with it! So Object Mode and select all the cubes but then one of them yellow (the rest orange). Ctrl-J to join. Edit Mode and P > Loose Parts. Object Mode and R-click > Set Origin > Origen to Geometry
  • Scale each thing itself. Middle menu. Transform Pivot Point to Individual Origins
  • Mesh Symmetry. X Y Z buttons at top right in Edit Mode. Dont' need ‘mirror’ then
  • Fill faces. Fill a face, then select 2 of its vertices and press F a bunch to fill the entire row
  • Curve Pen (3.2). Ctrl-click in the middle to create a new point. Hold Ctrl to affect the handle of the previous curve.
  • With Curve Circle. Convert to Vertex creates too many lines. Desimate modifyer, Planar, angle limit to 1 degree.
  • WARP MODIFIER to make images into an object (Convert 2d logo to 3d)
  • Make an Object Mode > Add > Empty > Arrow and name it ‘top’ and an Empty > Plain Axis and name it ‘bottom,' then put in a plane and subdivide it or Subdivision Surface modify it (either way). Apply a Warp Modifier to the plane and set the to and from. Now if the arrow is higher, you should see the effect. In the Warp Modifier you can adjust the Texture ( > new > show Textures). Here you should now see the result of your image.
  • Bend an object into a circle with Simple Deform. Need a second object which will be the pivot point. (Can be an Empty > Plain Axis. Apply the modifier and set the pivot point and 360 degrees and pick the axis you want. Now you can move the pivot point Object. Move it so it's in the center of your bend object and it shall create a circle. However your circle ends won't overlap because you can't do more than 360 degrees. So slide Limits down from 1 to .99. If it's not working, try rotating the initial object.
  • form Circle from Square (merge, morph). Same number of edges and select the two edges and W > Bridge edge loops


  • watch is a circle with the ends extruded equally (I, S)
  • band uses a circle (not part of the final object) as a guide for it's curve.
  • band is a plane, extruded to a box, with modifiers Array and Curve eyedroppered to the circle object
  • The winder is a circle and the faces around it are Shft-Alt-click (select all) then i-i to inset all, then Extrude Individueal (click the Extrude icon on the left), then beveled
  • Put a winder on the other side by applying a Mirror modifier to the gear and eyedroppering the Watch body and then selecting Y from the modifier
  • The hour markers are a cube (3d cursor set to center of Watch body) and Spin Duplicates (click Spin at left). Start to drag the Spin curve that appears and it's dialogue will appear at the bottom-left and you can do 12 steps and 260 degrees


  • To make the hour markers, select the one hour marker you made then do Spin Duplicates (start to drag it so the dialogue appears). Set 12 steps, and 360 degrees. May need to change Axis to 0, 1, 0. or put the 1 in any of those.
  • Watch Hands. Can click Transform Pivot Point at top-center to 3dCursor to R the hands from the center. Shft-D the hand to make another and then click Transformation Orientation also at top-center and select Normal (instead of Global) so you can move and scale the new Watch Hands.
  • Glass Dome. UV Sphere. R x 90 to face the sphere outwards. Delete the unwanted part of the sphere. Shft-Alt-click edge touching the Watch. Shft-S > 3Dcursor to selected. Transform Pivot Point at top-center > 3dCursor. Make sure Transformation Orientation at top-center is Global. S y drag dome into place. This is Squish. You put the 3dCursor at the base of the object (as a pivot). Then you S and scale just on that dimension.
  • Text in Object mode. Then Edit mode to type your text. Then to do stuff to it go to ‘a’ at bottom-right panel and Geometry.
  • Text in the ‘a’ thing has alignment.
  • (Set Origin to Geometry is in Object Mode. Object > Set Origen. Origen to Geometry.
  • To make curved text. Duplicate a circle from the Watch and P > Selected to separate. Object > Convert > Curve. Object > Convert > Mesh to be able to rescale and rotate it.


  • A to select all. E S Shft-Z to extrude inward to thicken Watch Body.
  • Outy Parts. E Y. S Y 0 to flatten.
  • Mirror Modifier, turn on clipping
  • Ctrl loop cuts. On Outy Parts. Ctrl-R, click, E F to align to flat faces
  • Subdivision Surface modifier.
  • Shade Smooth
  • click an edge. Alt-click another to select whole loop. Shft-Alt-click to grab another whole loop
  • Select tips and S Z smaller and G Z bend down.
  • Alt-click an edge to select a band of faces (inside Watch Body). Ctrl-+ to select also next rows. E S Shft-z to make circle thicker without tapering
  • Select > Checker Deselect
  • E S to bring them out. S Z to bring them smaller
  • Watch Hand hole. Inset both sides. Atl-click edge. Shft-Alt-click other side edge. X > Only Faces. From menu, Edge > Bridge Edge Loops
  • Numbers. Make a number. Duplicate and rotate (Object Mode > Object > Set Origen > Origen to 3d Cursor. That way you keep the bevel or whatever from the first instance


  • 2 things. Orientation of object before start (seems you have to return it to how it was after complete this because it moves wonky). Set cursor and Origin at center before start making curve.
  • Create a curve and Do Curve Modifier to the actual object and eyedropper the curve, and then move the object around so it goes how you want


  • create an object
  • Shft-A create a Lattice
  • make the lattice just a bit bigger than the other object
  • Go to Lattice Settings in bottom-right and increase the UVW a bit (so it will not just affect the whole thing)
  • Go to the other object and add a modifier (Lattice modifier) and select your lattice with the eyedropper
  • Now when you edit the lattice, the other object should be affected.

    Make several faces into one face. Click one of the faces. Shft-G > Coplanar, then F (I think that's all) and it removes the old faces and puts one larger one

  • PROJECT GEOMETRY (to make a support lattice)

  • or maybe you can use displacement maps:


  • 2 tabs in bottom-right.
  • Render Properties and check Screen Space Reflections and in that check Refraction
  • Materials. Check Settings > Screen Space Reflections, and turn Refration Depth down to 0, and turn up Transmission to 1. It may be rough so turn Roughness down.
  • Another way (with those boxes) at 5:00

images as materials / textures


* Add-on called ‘3d print toolbox’

3D Printing

  • Forced extrusion
  • SLA Stereolithoraphy SLA with a laser
  • Photopolymer resin (liquid until UV) DLP digital light processing, with a projector
  • PLA
  • PLA less sensitive to temperature changes. Not suitable for being in the elements or enduring wear and tear. More forgiving with complexity features. 68 degree overhang. Better for minarets. Easier to remove lines with Liminine (ABS uses something else I think).
  • ABS often has a enclusre and build plate to keep print from cracking if it cools poorly. Can withstand more heat, pressure and stress. 45 degree overhang.
  • Neither is flexible. ABS will bend more. PLA is stronger.



  • Can use PrusaSlicer (AppImage from zip on their site) but only to export .stl for Chutubox (people do this because they say Prusa does better supports)
  • Select Prusa SL1. Go to updates and turn them off. Click ‘Finish’
  • Select Prusa SL1 (and you'll see the image change a bit)
  • Chutubox slicer program for Elegoo (no current alternatives) (not FOSS)
  • Chutubox website has Linux or something file

Prusa Slicer settings for Mars2 pro

  • Bottom exposure (longer to ensure they stick, but not too long or they fix too fixedly and flare at the base)
  • : 35-40s. Add 5 (so 40-45) for clearer resins
  • : 35s for all water washable resinns, according to Elegoo
  • Normal exposures (assuming a 0.05mm layer height
  • : 2.5s (3s for darker resins, 6s for clearer resins)
  • : 2.5 for grey. 3 for black. 2 for white. 2.5 for all other colors including colored transparent (clear not shown)
  • Layer height (lower makes for smoother, and require shorter exposure times, but will increase overall print time)
  • : 0.05mm standard, but most printers can do 0.25 - 1mm
  • : Elegoo recommends 0.05mm for all its water washable
  • Lift Speed (if it's too high it might pull the print off the build plate or FEP may be damaged. Only downside to slow is slow prints)
  • : 90 is the default, between 80-100mm/s is the recommendation, but ‘vroom’ (YouTuber Uncle Jesse) settings can be like 300mm/s
  • Anti-aliasing, is pixelation


  • Vocab
  • panel
  • position
  • panning
  • modifier keys (Shft, Ctrl, Alt)
  • pie menu
  • boolean. used to pass a true or false value

  • Ctrl+rmb over a tab to scroll through tabs / Ctrl+tab

  • In a field (like X position), Ctrl-wheel will change the number in incremental steps. You can also get to 0 this way
  • Dragging. Both Shft and Ctrl do something

  • Ctrl-Space. Maximize area

  • Ctrl-Alt-Space. Full screen
  • Ctrl-Page Up / Down. Next workspace
  • i. Invert selection
  • h. Hide selection
  • Alt-H. Reveal hidden items
  • T. Toggle Toolbar
  • N. Toggle Sidebar
  • ~. Pick a view
  • B. Box select
  • W. Cylces through Selection tools
  • E. extrude
  • Ctrl-B. Bevel
  • I. Inset a face
  • K. Knife
  • Alt-C. Is now CADtools, but I think default is Loop Cut
  • Shft-Z. Wireframe
  • Ctrl + ... increases selection to connected vertices

S Z 0 to put vertices on the same plane (wherever you put the 3dCursor)


  • Add Node Wrangler Add-on. Go to Shading and make sure the first drop down is ‘shader editor’ a cicle.
  • Select all Nodes except Material Output and Ctrl-G. Then Parent Node tree, and give the material a name.


  • remove ‘skirt’ (that border around the print)
  • Go to Preferences > Configure Cura and select ‘Expert’ then close that box, and go to the settings and type in the search ‘Skirt’ and in ‘Build Plate Adhesion’ there is a setting ‘Skirt Line Count.' I set that to 0.
  • Go to Preferences > Configure Cura and select ‘Expert’ then close that box, and go to the settings and type in the search ‘Skirt’ and in ‘Build Plate Adhesion’ there is a setting ‘Skirt Line Count.' I set that to 0.

Colombia Stuff

Postal codes in Medellin:

Cologne: Tesoro, la Rivera, Felco, Falabella

Used clothing: Minorista, Laureles botique thrift shops.

Spring water: Manantial (from a spring souce near Botota, which you can visit)

Import export:

Drugs: weed 20g, hash 5g, coke (or coke based substances) 1g, metacualona (qualuude) 2g. LSD and MDMA not contemplated by the law so not recommended having more than 1g. Not legal to use in public spots, near schools, public parks. Law allows police, especially in MDE, to decide to fine you or not. Has to be not for selling, and seems it should be wrapped.

Places: Pueblito, Periodista, rock bars,



VST synthesizers and instruments (Access Virus)



Improvement for Linux

Copying files. If same AND different file size VS if same and same size.

Provide details on what file and location, date created, thumbnail